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spare change

November 3rd, 2006 at 08:13 pm

$.30 spare change today

weekly total .30

grand total $36.75

spare change

October 26th, 2006 at 06:41 pm

spare change 1.13

this week 1.13

this year 36.45

$2.00 more burned off!

October 26th, 2006 at 03:17 pm

2 more miles walked on the treadmill today, that's $2.00 more in savings.

this week 35.32

year 35.32

I am going to bank today so I will add 35.32 to my savings acct!! YIPEE!!!!

So now my weekly will be back at $0.00, let's see how much more I can save for next weeks deposit!

spare change in truck

October 25th, 2006 at 07:01 pm

Found $1.97 in spare change in my vehicle.

added to savings

this week 33.32

this year 33.32

$2.00 burned off!!

October 25th, 2006 at 03:22 pm

I pay myself $1.00 for each mile walked or jogged on the treadmill. I add this to my savings.

I walked 2 miles today so that is $2.00 added to savings.

weekly total 31.35

accum total 31.35

Spare change

October 24th, 2006 at 12:03 am

Found some spare change laying around the house while doing some cleaning. Lets see...$1.87

That bring todays total savings to 7.35

weekly total 29.35

accum total 29.35

$20 challenge 10/23/06

October 23rd, 2006 at 08:03 pm

I ate lunch out today. I ate at Wendys I got a small chili, baked potato and small dr. pepper. The total was $3.68. My usual total if I get a value meal is $5.16. So I saved 1.48!!

Savings today 5.48
weekly savings 5.48

accum savings 27.48

Dr. Appointment

October 23rd, 2006 at 11:39 am

Today I have a chiropractor appointment. We live in the boonies so the drive to the doctor's office is 1 hour each way. So normally I would stop at Hardee's after I got to town and get me a platter of pancakes, milk and hashrounds for around $4.00 and then after I got done I would usually stop at Wendys for a value meal.
Sooooo this morning I ate breakfast at home so that is a savings of $4.00 added to my challenge account.

previous total $22.00
so far today $4.00
accum total $26.00

hanging laundry and mending clothes

October 21st, 2006 at 07:04 pm

It is a beautiful day here today so 2 loads of laundry is hanging on the clothesline. I figure I save at least $1.00 per load by not using the energy hog, I mean clothes dryer!

I also patched 2 pair of my sons bluejeans the knees were wore out of them, but other than that there was nothing wrong with them. Their cousin gave them some old bluejeans that were too small to fit any of our boys so I cut 2 patches out of them and used that to patch up my sons jeans. They look pretty darn good too! So -- 2 pair of jeans for him cost around $10.00 each at walmart so I saved $20.00 by patching his old jeans.

previous total $0.00
today $22.00
new total $22.00